Current Chapter President
Brother Isaac Yeboah, Fraternal Year 2021 - 2022
Past Presidents of the Alpha Kappa Chapter
Brother Brandon Barker, Fraternal Year 2020-2021
Immediate Past President Brother Jamane Ward II, Fraternal Year 2018-2019
Brother Washawn Castro, Fraternal Year 2019-2018
Brother Khalif Nunnally-Rivera, Fraternal Year 2015-2017
Brother Tyrone Mans, Fraternal Year 2014-2015
Brother Jonathan Jubilee, Fraternal Year 2013-2014
Brother Jason Asirifi, Fraternal Year 2012-2013
Brother Cameron J. Cox, Fraternal Year 2011-2012
Brother Jason L. Burrell, Fraternal Year 2010-2011
Brother Harold J. Turner, Fraternal Year 2009-2010
Brother Rick A. Pierre, Fraternal Year 2008-2009
Brother Aman "Emanuel" Adhanom Fraternal Year 2007-2008
Brother Jhovon R. Williams Fraternal Year 2006-2007
Brother Jason Alexander Fraternal Year 2005-2006
Brother Richard Cookson Fraternal Year 2004-2005
Brother Steve Clunis Fraternal Year 2000-2002
Brother Angelo Green Fraternal Year 1998-2000
Brother Kolawole Olosunde Fraternal Year 1996-1998
Brother Taft Bailey Fraternal Year 1995-1996
Brother Cory J. Mickens Fraternal Year 1994-1995
Brother Jason P. Thomas Fraternal Year 1992-1994
Brother Keith Taylor Fraternal Year 1991-1992
Brother Vince Jackson Fraternal Year 1990-1991
Brother Keith Jernigan Fraternal Year 1989-1990
Brother Sterling Inzar, Fraternal Year 1985-1986
Brother Anthony Silva Fraternal Year 1984-1985
Immediate Past President Brother Jamane Ward II, Fraternal Year 2018-2019
Brother Washawn Castro, Fraternal Year 2019-2018
Brother Khalif Nunnally-Rivera, Fraternal Year 2015-2017
Brother Tyrone Mans, Fraternal Year 2014-2015
Brother Jonathan Jubilee, Fraternal Year 2013-2014
Brother Jason Asirifi, Fraternal Year 2012-2013
Brother Cameron J. Cox, Fraternal Year 2011-2012
Brother Jason L. Burrell, Fraternal Year 2010-2011
Brother Harold J. Turner, Fraternal Year 2009-2010
Brother Rick A. Pierre, Fraternal Year 2008-2009
Brother Aman "Emanuel" Adhanom Fraternal Year 2007-2008
Brother Jhovon R. Williams Fraternal Year 2006-2007
Brother Jason Alexander Fraternal Year 2005-2006
Brother Richard Cookson Fraternal Year 2004-2005
Brother Steve Clunis Fraternal Year 2000-2002
Brother Angelo Green Fraternal Year 1998-2000
Brother Kolawole Olosunde Fraternal Year 1996-1998
Brother Taft Bailey Fraternal Year 1995-1996
Brother Cory J. Mickens Fraternal Year 1994-1995
Brother Jason P. Thomas Fraternal Year 1992-1994
Brother Keith Taylor Fraternal Year 1991-1992
Brother Vince Jackson Fraternal Year 1990-1991
Brother Keith Jernigan Fraternal Year 1989-1990
Brother Sterling Inzar, Fraternal Year 1985-1986
Brother Anthony Silva Fraternal Year 1984-1985